Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Safely arrived...

I'm sitting here at my favorite restaraunt in Kratie, Cambodia, 11 days after my left for America, informing you that they have safely arrived. =) If you were waiting to hear this news from me, I appologize for the delay. The team left Friday May 22, and arrived home the following evening. I am staying 3 more weeks to minister.
Thank you for you prayers and support! It really was an incredible trip, and God worked in amazing ways. Everyone learned and was changed. I wish I had more time to write, but when I return to America, expect a short trip summary with a few more pictures. Oh, and a poem too!
Please continue to pray for me and my ministry in Cambodia. I am now in Kratie, teaching English and ministering with the youth. On Friday I will return to the Bible college in Phnom Penh, and then I will fly home on Friday, June 12. I have a 13 hour layover in Seoul, and I'm not looking forward to that. =)

A group photo in Kampong Cham, the first province we visited in Cambodia. Pastor Paroath (younger Khmer man in back) and his English students stole our hearts.

A group photo at Ankor Wat. (It will be worth your time to search Angkor Wat on google images!)

Our team with our Buddhist van driver Om.

Saying goodbye to good friends in Kratie.

With our favorite waiter at U-Hong Restaraunt, in Kratie.

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