Friday, June 12, 2009

Oh, hi.
Here is a little snipet of our time here in Ireland.
Besides never really knowing what day it is, none of us have any sense of time
because the sun never really shines for an extended amount of time. So it can be 11pm at night
and still bright outside! Crazy, yes.

We have spent the past few days working with this great community L'arche. They are a community who have committed themselves to creating love in a world addicted to misery. They house people with special needs and dedicate themselves to caring for them and being their friend. While we have been with them we have been filling our days working outside helping to paint and garden. And walking, lots of walking.

We met with the community director for L'arche, Maria. She had such inspiring, beautiful things to say that seemed to resonate with all of us in a different way. Speaking about not condeming ourselves for who we are not, but loving ourselves for who we are. She also challenged us to actually do what we are deliriously happy about. So fitting for all of us as we are all entering a time of transition.

Ok, that's all for today. Its 22:49! Time for bed.

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