Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're Home

Hello everyone!
We just wanted to let you know that we have all made it back home safely after a long few days of traveling! We have only been home a few hours so we're not quite sure if the jet lag has kicked in yet or not. :)

We had a wonderful time serving and getting to understand the Kiwi culture better. The five of us really bonded throughout this trip as well and have had a wonderful time getting to know one another better. There was definitely a lot of laughter throughout our trip as well. :) Props to Matt as well for putting up with 4 girls for 3 weeks straight haha go Matt!

All in all, God really proved His hand on this trip and spoke personally to all of our hearts.

Thank you SO much for your support and prayers!!! We could not have done this without you!

In Christ's loving hands,
New Zealand Team 2009

(this picture was actually taken on the streets of Sydney, Australia. We were able to travel there for a week as well after our amazing time in New Zealand)

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